Tuesday, June 14, 2011

 Develop your own style for picking stocks

                                                          Deciding what companies to invest in is fun. Building a portfolio of stocks is an individual thing however, and no two people will have the same investments. I like stocks that pay a dividend or produce products I use or are familiar to me.  Many investors like companies that have a high growth rate but don't pay a dividend. There are many styles to choose from or blend together to create your own style. Please read up on these including, but not limited to: value, dividend, technical, contrarian, growth and momentum styles. I have a blend of 1/3 value, 1/6 contrarian, and 1/2 dividend. This gives me an income stream, as well as a chance for capital appreciation over time. See you soon, Finwiz.

1 comment:

  1. Great article Marshall. I love this blog and appreciate all of your insights.

