Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Insurance that may be unnecessary

Credit Card Insurance

   Many people who take out credit card insurance believe the policy will protect them by paying off their credit debt entirely in the event they’re unable to meet their financial obligations. That isn’t true, and unfortunately a lot of people have found that out the hard way. Credit card insurance will generally pay only a portion of your monthly bill, usually the minimum amount that is due.

Rental Car Insurance

   Paying for rental car insurance is usually a waste of money because your regular automobile insurance policy usually covers rental cars. Even if it doesn’t, or provides only minimum coverage, you will undoubtedly use a credit card for your rental car. In most cases your credit card company will provide rental car insurance for no additional charge.

Extended Warranties

   In the opinion of a lot of people, an extended warranty is nothing more than a complete waste of money. If you purchase a quality item in the first place, you can be relatively certain the warranty that’s included will be sufficient.  You’d probably be better off if you put a little bit of money aside each month to cover the cost of repairing or replacing the items rather than relying on the extended warranty. See you Thursday, Finwiz.

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