Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Be aware of these retirement mistakes

   1. You'll just work forever

      Do any of us really think this is a good excuse to not save. Becoming a future ward of the state is no retirement plan.

   2. Not using all your company has to offer

      Use all the benefits at your disposal at work. This can include 401 k, health insurance, dental insurance, and don't forget flexible spending accounts.

   3. Not including a tax strategy

      Using IRA's and 401k's to reduce adjusted gross income is a huge boost to retirement savings. Not knowing how our decisions increase or lower our year end tax liability is one of the biggest mistakes we can make.

   4: Guessing the math

      We shouldn't just guess about how much savings we'll need to retire. There are many types of retirement calculators we can use to help us decide how much we should be saving. We do need to make some long term assumptions with return rates. Keeping these low makes sure we hit our targets. It's usually better to error on the side of over saving not under saving. Finwiz.

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