Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Five things we can do with the raise we just got.

1. Pay off debt fast.

        This is the best way to get ahead in our personal finances. Money that would be paid as interest can be invested and creates a positive return over time.

2. Start funding a Roth IRA or 401k.

        Tax deferred accounts allow our invested capital to grow faster by investing those funds for many years and paying taxes later.

3. Increase our emergency fund goal.
        Build and continue to maintain an emergency fund. Increasing the amount we have in it over time is a good way to stay ahead of inflation.

4. Find a good charity

        Giving to causes we believe in is one of the best reasons to save in the first place. Make sure to check their credibility to avoid fraudulent organizations. Charity Navigator online is a great way to insure funds are used in a proper way.

5. Enjoy some for ourselves.

        We just got that raise for a reason, go have some fun. Doing something that takes us out of our comfort zone may open new doors or lead to a new hobby. Finwiz.

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