Thursday, December 15, 2011

Four ways to become a better investor

1. Study with a purpose

     We need to study the areas of the stock market we are unfamiliar with. We don't want to invest in a company when we can't understand what it does or how it makes a profit. Studying different sectors of the stock market leaves us in a better place to spot an opportunity when it presents itself. 

2. Motivation

     We must stay motivated about our future goals. We must have the tenacity to set goals, continue to review them, and make changes if necessary. No one is going to do this for us.
3. Know your strengths and weaknesses

     Every investor creates a track record over time. Review this track record for strengths and weaknesses. Try to learn something from past mistakes and remember our strengths represent a competitive advantage in the market place.

4. Knowing the time factor

     It takes time to become an expert in all worthwhile endeavors.  We should expect becoming a better investor to be an ongoing process. After almost twenty years I still study and review on a weekly basis. Overtime we develop and refine our own individual style of investing. See you next time Finwiz.

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