Thursday, January 5, 2012

More savings tips to start the new year 

 1. Stick to one phone line.
     Reduce expenses by going to either a cell phone or home phone don't pay for both. Recurring monthly expenses should be reduced when possible. Cable, cell, and Internet services will increase their rates little by little over time hoping we won't notice. Don't play their game.

2. Buy ebooks or use the library

    Ebooks sell for around half price of printed books. We can check them out at most libraries also. This adds up to huge savings over time for readers.

3. Consider increasing insurance deductibles.

    Review insurance coverage at least every two years. Auto and home owner premiums can creep up over time. Increase deductibles or consider eliminating collision coverage on older cars. Collision coverage doesn't make since on a car valued at $3000 when the collision premium is $150. Finwiz.

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